What should you do before for your first game?
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Have questions? Meet the New Player Marshals! They are an official resource to answer questions about canon, mechanics, lore, rules, and a variety of topics. Join the Facebook group and post your questions, or message one of them directly!

Jordan Mullaney
New Player Marshal
Jordan discovered her love of larping in 2015, when she joined LoE as a player. She adores the blend of costuming, theatre, improvisation, writing and hitting-people-with-swords that larping provides. When not singing to forest animals or weaving flowers into her hair, Jordan finds joy in dumping advice onto new players or screaming obscenities while rolling around in a mound of dirt #fortheaesthetic.

Hannah Davis
New Player Marshal
Hannah joined the team in November of 2021, having learned the art of LARP at Lands of Exile since March 2020. She enjoys roleplaying and crafting, writing and chatting with friends, and creating the threads of stories for others to weave into something greater than the sum of its parts. In addition to her LARPing hobbies and responsibilities, she enjoys tabletop gaming, video gaming, and cooking.
Check out the Official New Player Guide for a tips, tricks, frequently asked questions and more!
Basic requirements for playing at LoE
You must be at least 18 years of age
You must sign the insurance waivers at your first game
You must adhere to the basic garb standards/dress code (though we offer extensive guidance and our community often steps up to help new players reach this goal!)
You must be familiar with our Rulebook and adhere to the safety standards
You must be familiar with our Lore
You must fulfill the Covid-19 Attendance Requirements to attend