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The Roera map is provided for backstory development and roleplay only! The actual gameplay at Legends of Exile LARP takes place in the ETERNAL LANDS, not the Mainland. There is no out-of-game Eternal Lands map because discovering the uncharted world is part of the gameplay. In the setting of Legends of Exile, Roera is the continent that all player characters originate from. They can only access the Eternal Lands by joining one of three Factions in the Grand Expedition. 

The Continents

The Continents

There are three continents on this world: Roera (where all characters are from), the Eternal Lands (also known as the Island) and the Second Continent (Kituwa). No player characters have ever been to Kituwa or the Eternal Lands. Roera is connected to Kituwa by a very thin land bridge. Before the second moon left the sky, this land bridge was impossible to cross. Present-day, it is still extremely dangerous– along with treacherous volcanic activity, it constantly floods and isn't wide enough for any significant group to cross safely. The continents are aware of each other's existence but have had a little history or interaction.


The Mainland

For the majority of human existence, the people of Roera lived beneath a single sun and two moons. The twin moons caused constant tidal waves on the periphery of all known land masses, making coasts largely uninhabitable and ocean travel impossible until recently. When the second moon disappeared from the sky, the coasts of the outer ocean were suddenly habitable and civilization has sprung up quickly there.

In the center of the continent is a giant endorheic ocean. Called the "Inner Sea," this massive body of saltwater was much less affected by the twin moons, allowing the continent some access to marine resources and to develop rudimentary sailing technology. All coasts of the Inner Sea are called the "Unified Coast."

The Council is the government of Roera, composed of a representative from each province. It operates on principles of equity and inclusivity. Every province, regardless of its size or military power, has an equal say in the discussions and decisions made within the chamber. Each province's appointed representatives, regardless of their title, are entitled to a seat and voice at the Council. Any culture can be found in areas of every province, but some cultures have ancestral homelands where they are more commonly found. Hover over the map below (on desktop) to view the provinces:

  • Vak’nir (VAHK-neer)

  • Kennaret (KEHN-ah-ret)

  • Niretsyn (Neer- ET-sin)

  • Etsentor (et-sen-TOR)

  • Sontorill (SAWN-tor-ill)

  • Torilee (torih-LEE)

  • Ryliva (rye-LEE-va)

  • Lyvakin (lye-VAK-in)

  • The Unified Coast (area around Inner Sea)

The Council formed the three Factions, specifically for the mission of exploring the Eternal Lands. Although some Factions had historical ties to previous factions or groups on the Roera, they have been born anew to accomplish this goal.

Map of Roera

Mainland Map

Hover to view provinces.

Roera Provinces.png
Legends of Exile - map of the Mainland.png

expanded Raegral cities

Asteraduun Desert continued

Akaruki Savanna


Major Drakki cities









The Deadlock

Asteraduun Desert

Ekreli islands (before crash)

Vensaad forests

Kylugan swamps

Original Dal'shi migration routes (general)

Vensaad rainforests


the Unified Coast (all inner sea coasts)


Major Drakki cities

Hakkan's Fin (Raegral major city)



Roera Provinces.png

Unified Coasts

Legends of Exile - map of the Mainland.png
Content copyright King Heron Events 2018-present

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April 12-14

May 24-26

September 6-8

October 4-6

November 1-3


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