The peoples of these lands are unique and vibrant. Each section represents a group or culture that has formed from a common thread, which you will use as building blocks for your character. From the free spirited Halflings, to stout Dwarves, each represent their kind in their own fashion.
The race you choose will include prosthetic or makeup requirements for your character, so please make note of those; they are clearly labelled "Costuming Requirements" in each section. Other information and lore is for flavor and inspiration, as you continue to design your character.
Because of the long-standing grievances between the Allied Realms and the Drow (see the World Lore page), character races are divided on whether they support the Allied Realms or the Exiled Forces. Most playable races hail from Allied groups, but not always. Read more about each in the lore below.

Bragging Rights

Lenny O

Lenny O

Bragging Rights
Full Lore released in 2021!

Bragging Rights

James Rose

Chelsea Deaner

Bragging Rights
Considered direct decedents of the Fae, Elves are one of the most ancient races in the known world. They are known for extreme longevity and wisdom. Due to their long lifespans, they tend to be a cautious and thoughtful, taking their time to analyze decisions.
Generally very refined and aloof. They have a very clear social structure and tend to honor that closely. Crime is next to nonexistent among their own kind, due to their long lives and the necessity of living peacefully among themselves. High Elves believe they are the first mortal race created by the Eldest. Historically, throughout the three wars, the High Elves worked to unite their allies under one treaty. After the Third War, and before the Age of Fire, the High Elven Empire oversaw the well-being of all who supported the Allied cause. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a High Elf, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how High Elves look in this world.
Required Costuming
Long Ears: 5 inch or longer Elven ears. Example: Aradani Large Anime Elf Ears
Optional Costuming
Decorative headpieces: High Elves are partial to wearing headbands, tiaras, intricate leather wraps, and other formal headpieces.
Finery: High Elven clothing often incorporates filigree, lace, soft shapes, and flowing fabrics that are beautiful, though often not conducive to manual labor or fighting.
Updated in 2021!

Stephanie Creed

James Rose

Chelsea Deaner

Stephanie Creed
Wylde Elves are traditionally very wary of newcomers and tend to live in secluded groups. Painted facial markings, called “woads”, are a large part of a Wylde Elf’s identity. Another is their second name, or “Trianaie” (TREE-ah-nee), which highlights their place within the community. They are very proud of this skill, feature, or personality trait that sets them apart. Wylde Elf culture centers around the natural world and their place in it, giving Wylde Elves a more woodland feel than other Elven races. To be friends with a Wylde Elf is to have a devoted compatriot, who will not only valiantly defend you, but also knock some sense into you when you need it most. The best archers known to the plane are of Wylde Elven bloodlines. It is said that if you wish a peaceful death, simply wander over a Wylde Elven border, and you will hit the ground before you ever saw the archer’s draw. See the full lore write up for more.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Wylde Elf, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Wylde Elves look in this world.
Required Costuming
Long Ears: 5 inch or longer Elven ears. Example: Aradani Large Anime Elf Ears
Woads: Bold, linear markings on the face (called “woads”) of any color, except neon tones. These are not classified as permanent markings, so can be changed over time. See the full lore write up for more information.
Optional Costuming
Additional woads are encouraged elsewhere on the body, as these are important cultural symbols of Wylde Elves.
Full Lore released in 2021!

Chelsea Deaner

Bragging Rights

Chelsea Deaner

Chelsea Deaner
Mana Elves - also known as Sanctum City Elves or Sanctum Elves - have undergone a significant transformation in the year 5 A.F (the 2021 season). An overnight transformation called the Manifestation, changed their physical appearance and natural aptitudes. When this happened, Mana Elves were transformed and became more connected to the world around them, magic, and their ancestral history. Mana Elves are the truest version of what Sanctum Elves were, who had lost their color in a self-inflicted, though accidental, catastrophe. The Manifestation, which happened overnight, changed not only their physical appearance, but their natural aptitudes and the world around them.
Please see the packet Foreword for more details - this race used to be "White Elves," and that terminology and costuming no longer applies.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Mana Elf, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Mana Elves look in this world.
Required Costuming
Long Colored Ears: 5 inch or longer Elven ears painted to match their Manifestation (Earth, Air, Water, or Fire).
Manifestation: All Mana Elves have glowing coloring on highlights, contour, and around their eyes. The colors around their eyes, and their general highlighting and contouring is associated with one of the four elements.
Optional Costuming
Unusual Eye Color: Due to the magical nature of Mana Elves, many have brightly colored eyes that match their Manifestation (colored contacts are optional).
Shimmery skin: Mana Elves that are highly disciplined, trained or predispositioned to magic tend to have a shimmer to their skin that’s exposed to sunlight (iridescent makeup).
Clothing: Brightly colored robes and garments in colors reflecting their Manifestation.
White hair: Some Mana Elves retain their white hair regardless of their Manifestation.
Peppermint Scent: Mana Elves themselves smell faintly of peppermint scent, but the cause is currently unknown.
Updated in 2021!

Samael Hamlet



Samael Hamlet
Dwarves, often called Mountain Dwarves because they prefer the mountains, are hearty and cheerful when in relaxed company. They enjoy, above all, a good drink, a grand hearth, and great tales of battle. You'll never find a Dwarf far away from their weapon of choice; after The Third War, epic Dwarven stories of Troll and Orc hunts were passed down through the generations, and have not been forgotten by the Mountain Dwarves now marooned in the Exiled Lands. The legendary combat prowess of a Dwarf is no mistake, and they will share their own stories to any who offer ale and an ear. However, most rumors of insatiable bloodthirstiness are exaggerated; those who interact regularly with them joke that Mountain Dwarves will enjoy a good nap with equal, or greater, enthusiasm. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Mountain Dwarf, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Mountain Dwarves look in this world.
Required Costuming
Note: There is no height requirement for Mountain Dwarves.
Head hair OR facial hair must be braided or contain braids, and be decorated with metallic baubles, such as beads or metal filigree.
Pick at least two additional features from the Options list below.
Facial hair: Some visible facial hair (real or prosthetic). This can be from short/cropped facial hair, to obvious sideburns, to a long and luxurious beard.
Metal face decor: Flat metal face decorations, arranged in geometric pattern sand focused on the lower face- jawline and chin- in place of facial hair (see "TemmeT" in the full lore write up for more information).
Tattoos: Knotwork, braids, geometric shapes, and imagery tattoos covering a significant portion of the skin from the collarbone up the neck. Tattoo transfer paper is recommended for this. Dwarves never have tattoos on their faces.
Additional (Optional) Costuming
Tattoos: Tattoos covering the entirety of a Dwarf’s body are not uncommon. These are not all beautiful braids or geometric shapes –many Dwarves have “bad” tattoos from a pint of ale and a friend to goad them along.
Clothing: Braids are a common cultural aesthetic choice for Mountain Dwarves at any opportunity -woven braided belts, decorative braided border on their armor, braided texture for the collar of their shirts, etc. Metal adornments and geometric patterns are commonplace as well.
New in 2018!


Chelsea Deaner

James Rose

Rygg (pronounced: 'rig'), commonly - and mistakenly - called “Cave Dwarves” by almost all other races, are in fact not Dwarves at all. Although they share a love of stone, earthen dwelling, and craftsmanship, Rygg interact considerably less with surface races, living nearly their entire life in the extensive cave systems under the land. As varied in form as Humans, Rygg are easily distinguished by a ridged nasal bridge. Their traditional attire consists of dark, saturated colors and shades of grey and black, accented by gold and gem-encrusted accessories. They are very private people, with candid and straightforward approaches to all aspects of life, and place high value in hard work and restoration of broken and worn objects. Still considered an allied race, many surface races remember their pivotal contributions during the Third War against the Drow. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Rygg, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Rygg look in this world.
Required Costuming:
Noseridge, in the style of the Aradani “Deep Space” nose ridge - Aradani Product Link
Optional Costuming:
Chunky metallic jewelry and accessories featuring woven wire, gems and precious stones are a notable aesthetic of the Rygg
Rygg are not overly concerned with being constantly tidy - their skin and clothing often sport obvious repairs, replacements, dirt smudges, or a thin layer of dirt or dust. This is NOT the same thing as being unclean. See the Physical Description section for more information.
Updated in 2018!

Bragging Rights

Lenny O


Bragging Rights
Known as the “peaceful mountains,” K’ojin (pronounced 'KOH-jin') are renowned for their larger-than-Elven stature and good nature. This race of giants has prospered into a vast, thriving culture. Though K’ojin generally do not actively seek out warfare, they exhibit immense strength on the battlefield when pressed. Usually, K’ojin wield very large melee weapons, but can also be adept mages. K’ojin culture centers around family, storytelling, and recordkeeping. As they gain experiences, their tall bodies become are covered head to foot in literary tattoos, which serve as personal records relating to their connection with each other, the Eldest, and their life experiences. See the full K'ojin lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a K’ojin, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how K’ojin look in this world.
Required Costuming:
Height or height imitation restriction
Physical height of five feet ten inches or taller (5’10” or more), OR costume in a way that would make you seem that height.
Runic Tattoos: Runic tattoo designs are restricted to the K’ojin alphabet, which is provided in the lore write up. Please see the Legends and Cultural Practices section in the write up for more info on how to design your bodily tattoos.
Restriction: New players may not design a character that would be considered a previous K’ojin Elder with the forehead tattoo.
Optional Costuming:
Recognizable style elements for K’ojin include: Natural type clothing, such as furs, leathers, bone, and earthtone colors and fabrics. K’ojin are often seen with writing implements and books.
NEW - Reformatted in 2023!

Bragging Rights

Lenny O

Chelsea Deaner

Bragging Rights
The most identifying trait of Halflings, or Kin, as they call themselves, is that they happen to be the shortest race on this plane. However, they make up for their stature with their uniquely bold, yet light-hearted, nature. Halflings are becoming much rarer over the last few hundred years due to the destruction of the Home Trees during the Third War, and were scattered even further apart during the Age of Fire. Yet, despite the increased likelihood for destruction of their race, Halflings remain hopeful, and continue to sing and play the songs of their ancestors, as the last of the known Fourteen Clans unite. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Halfling, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Halflings look in this world.
Required Costuming
Height or height imitation restriction: Physical height of five and a half feet or shorter (5’6” or less), OR costume in a way that would make you seem that height, as they did in the Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson movies.
Small elf ears, aka “hobbit ears.” Example: Aradani Small Elf Ears
Indicate rosy nose and cheeks using makeup or blush. Color can be anywhere from a dark pink to a deep red shade, so long as it creates an obvious “blushed” look when used with your skin tone.
Optional Costuming
A voluminous, decorative travelling cloak is a recognizable personal item for Halflings.
NEW packet in 2023!

James Rose

James Rose


James Rose
The original Grehlok (pronounced 'GREY-lock') were once humans who were tricked and mutated by the Drow. They are sulky in nature, and generally not trusted by the Allied Realms. While they have claimed to have broken free from the curse of the Drow, many believe they are still being used for their nefarious purposes.
Grehlok are the least trusted of all the races of the Allied Realms - they have a reputation for rarely making amicable companions. In recent history, a massive clan supposedly broke free and created their own civilization. However, few have ever escaped the grasp of the Drow, so most others are suspicious of their true intentions, and some suspect them as still being used by the Drow as spies.
All Grehlok carry a Cursemark upon their necks, which is passed on generation to generation through magical means, forever marking them as Drow creations. They have ragged-edged ears, like orcs or bats, which are tipped with black. Because of their sad and hard origins, many Grehlok become the monsters they are judged to be. Though their reputation is ill, some have chosen to break away from their tortured pasts and turn to more noble causes than their own benefit. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Grehlok, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Grehlok look in this world.
Required Costuming:
Charred, ragged ears: Must have black-tipped ragged ear prosthetics. Example: Aradani Troll Ears.
Cursemark: A black scar-like Marking on the front-right of the neck (denoted with makeup)- a simple, geometric or straight-line combination.
You may use one of these Cursemarks or create your own to be approved by our backstory team.
Your Cursemark must be submitted with your backstory, whether created or used from the approved list.
Optional Costuming:
Many Grehlok wear a scarf or high collar to conceal their Cursemark. Grehlok prefer clothing that is practical and functional, so a mismatched collection of pieces is common. They will often reflect the style of the culture that they were born into, either naturally or prior to turning.
NEW - Reformatted in 2023!

Bragging Rights

Bragging Rights

Lenny O

Bragging Rights
As a group, Humans are a study in duality. They are difficult to generalize, because of the wide range of variation seen across their race. Depending on the story, and who is asked, they can be known for peace or violence, generosity or greed, civility or barbarity. More than any other race, the Humans of the world seem to display potential for both good and evil, in equal measure. Individually, a Human is best defined by fervor and drive. Perhaps their push to accomplish great things can be attributed to a relatively short life span, as Human lifetimes are a fraction of what most other races would experience. Although the direction and strength of ambition depends on the individual, each Human innately feels a push to do, see, and overcome, often in spite of prudence. Because of this, Humans are a strong-willed, tenacious people who tend to find themselves at the center of conflict. They have an ability to adapt to almost any environment, as well as an uncanny ability to befriend, or offend, any other race. See the full lore write up here.
Costume Requirements
Note: In order to play a Human, a player at Lands of Exile must follow a few costuming requirements. Optional costuming is NOT required to play the archetype, but rather a suggestion based on how Humans look in this world.
Required Costuming:
Immersive, medieval fantasy costuming: Due to their inherent individualism and widely varied cultures, Humans are only required to meet the basic standards of the Lands of Exile decorum rules, while not using costuming requirements listed in other race packets. Please see the Dress Code or a New Player Marshal with questions.
Optional Costuming:
Although Humans are diverse, they are by no means plain. Having a personal aesthetic in mind when designing your Human is encouraged, as long as it fits within the decorum rules.
Updated in 2019!

James Rose


Haley S

James Rose
There is no packet for Hybrids, as their culture is completely dependent on the regions they are from and their individual parentage. There is no packet that would ever be able to capture the diverse individualistic experience of Hybrids - and thus it is recommended to look at the Race Packet for the Hybrid's parents and at cultures on the map, to determine their experience in society.
Restricted: All required costuming for Hybrids must be approved by a Backstory Facilitator to avoid costuming ambiguity. At least one piece of identifiable racial costuming must be chosen from each half's Costuming Options (listed on this page by race).
Permitted hybrids ONLY:
Human/High Elf
Human/Wylde Elf
Human/Mana Elf
Backstory notes
If you would like to play a Hybrid, you must get plot approval for your costuming and idea by contacting us on Facebook or submitting a backstory.
Hybrid + Hybrid offspring
If one or both of your parents are Hybrids themselves, you must choose ONLY TWO of the races from your parental lineage within the restrictions, and then follow the Costuming Requirements.
LORE NOTE: You cannot create a FULL blood from Hybrid lineage. Human/Mana Elf + Wylde Elf/Mana Elf cannot have full Mana Elf offspring. This is to reduce costuming ambiguity for gameplay purposes.
NEW - Reformatted in 2023!


Bragging Rights

Lenny O

Empathetic, curious, studious, and passionate are just a few words that describe the strong personalities of Half-Orcs in the world. When they dedicate themselves to a pursuit or task, they can accomplish great things. Half-Orcs are not necessarily perfectionists, though their Human side can often predispose them to this trait, but rather they put their whole being into doing their best. This can create a deep competitive streak, or just a personal need to continue to learn and excel. Half-Orcs consider the culture of their childhood to be very important, and often keep reminders of family and home with their belongings, accumulating many bits, scraps, and trinkets along life’s journey. See the full lore write up here.
Plot Note: Due to their different costuming requirements, Half-Orcs are a special kind of Hybrid race. Lore specific to Half-Orcs is contained in the Half-Orc lore packet. Please see the Hybrid Lore for more general lore on Hybrids.
Backstory Requirements:
Half-Orcs are always half Orc and half Human. Half-Orcs only arise from parents whom are Orc, Human, Half-Orc, or Human Hybrid (see Hybrid Race lore for more info).
Please submit a backstory for approval at least 1 week before your first game.
Half-Orc PC characters must have been raised within Allied society, or at the very least, without knowledge of Orc Clan hierarchy. Basically, in order to facilitate the purpose of in-game lore discovery, players who wish to create a Half-Orc PC must not have grown up or lived in an Orc Clan as part of their backstory, as far as their recalled memories are concerned.
As with all new PCs, Half-Orcs are required to be coming to the Exiled Lands via boat from the now-destroyed Homelands as refugees fleeing the destruction (see backstory guidelines page).
Costume Requirements
Half-Orcs are always half Orc and half Human. (Note: extensive orc masks like this are not used for Half-Orcs)
Full or partially painted “orclike” skin (shades of Green only, with realistic tinting acceptable)
Choose one additional feature from the Options list below.
Options (Examples are links out)
Orc Brow - example, example
Orc Nose - example
Orc Teeth, at least one row - example, example
Non-natural colored contact lenses - Anything but blues, greens, or browns
Additional Costuming
You may choose more costuming additions from the Costume Options list. In addition to Half-Orcs sharing a nostalgic collecting habit, it is worth noting that one seen wearing High Elven finery is just as likely as wearing handsewn leather scraps and armor.
New in 2019 - Reformatted in 2023!

Lenny O

Bragging Rights

James Rose

Lenny O
Norraht became a special playable race in 2019 for story reasons. This is an EXILED ARCHETYPE, and playing one potentially carries more in-game pressure or consequences than playing an Allied archetype. Currently, characters may only become a Norraht by in-game transformation: new characters may not begin game as a Norraht.
If you wish for your character to become a Norraht in-game, please read the lore packet in its entirety and contact a New Player Marshal if you have questions. You can also Submit a Scene Request!
Norraht (pronounced NOR-rat) are creatures tied to Blood Magic, which causes them to become slightly changed from their parent race. Intense dedication to this path causes side effects such as pointed teeth, reddening of their eyes, and a sickly, jaundiced pallor. Mortal food no longer sustains them alone, and they learn to extract the concentrated life energy from blood, of all kinds. Benefits of this path are kept very secret, but few Norraht claim regrets. Before the Age of Fire, they were mysterious beings, only encountered as rumors and shadows. However, since the exodus from the burning of the Homelands, it is now generally accepted that Norraht indeed did live there, due to a notable presence while fleeing to the Exiled Lands. Many Norraht continue to cross the ocean to escape the fiery destruction, attempting to stow away or buying their lives from seedy ships captains. Recently, due to the strained Elendari resources on the seas and docks, Norraht have been able to make port within the established Allied settlements, still unsure what fate awaits them.
Backstory Requirements:
Norraht are a Physical Archetype that manifests in ADDITION to a player's base archetype. Except for Grehlok, any other archetype can manifest Norraht characteristics. For the simplest costuming requirements, choose a Norraht Human. If you choose to be a Norraht + other archetype, you must additionally follow the costuming requirements for the base archetype.
Norraht are always created, never born. Note that the conversion is always voluntary, since one must accept the path at their core.
Costume Requirements
Norraht Characteristics (below) plus any required costuming for your base race. For the easiest costuming, choose to be a Human. Norraht are not a base archetype, and therefore must follow the costuming requirements of their base archetype (one of the other playable archetypes, other than Grehlok).
Setting note: Please remember that Lands of Exile generally uses a pre-1700’s fantasy aesthetic. Victorian era garb tends to be outside our costuming guidelines unless heavily modified.
Norraht characteristics (examples are links out):
Notably Fanged Teeth (top or bottom, number of pointed teeth must be 2 or more)
Example: Most of the “Scarecrow” line of fangs works for this
Other examples: Example
Plus choose one from the “Options” list below.
Dark Eyebags (heavy colored makeup shading)
Paled or sickly countenance (lightly applied makeup)
Red Contact Lenses (any sort of non-anime red or pink lens)
Suggested Costuming
Norraht tend to be fast, agile, freedom of movement loving types, preferring flowing cloth and elegant attire, when they can obtain it. A Norraht that is not able to hide within Allied society will more likely be seen in tattered rags and whatever they’ve been able to find or steal.